Support Ukraine during the Russian invasion. You can make a donation on the website of the "Come Back Alive" Foundation

Support Ukraine during the Russian invasion. You can make a donation on the website of the "Come Back Alive" Foundation

Customize and delete an object

To edit or delete an object, go to the object settings, open the object (1) - Object menu (2) - Settings (3) - General (4)


Here you can see: - the occupied and available storage space and the estimated storage time (5); ), after which the old data is deleted and the new data is automatically written. - the icon of the object (6): to change the icon, click on it and the dialog box for changing the icon will open(7); - a button with a pencil icon (8) next to the name; - data on the object's tariff (9): to change the object's rate data, click the button with the pencil icon (10) next to the rate value; - date and time of the object's first notification (11); - server address (12) and port (13) to which the device (tracker) should be configured; - object data associated with the device: ID (14), device category (15), and type (16). To edit the object data associated with the device, click the button with the pencil icon (17) next to the required field or click the Edit button (18) at the end of the page. You will then be taken to the same form as when you created the object. To delete an object, click the Delete button (19) at the end of the page.
